The Creed of the Original Christians of the Free Spirit, in the Following of Jesus of Nazareth – the Tree of Life
God, the Eternal, is the Creator of all life forms. We could also call Him the cosmic Free Spirit. It is the universal cosmic Tree of Life for all cultures worldwide in Universal Life.
As Original Christians, we believe that all people are children of God, no matter from which culture they stem or which language they speak.
The Founder
Gabriele, the Prophetess and Emissary of God
At all times, there were prophets, enlightened men and women and thus, the Free Spirit speaks to all people in our time through Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God. Her civil name is Gabriele Wittek and before her calling to be a prophet, she lived a middleclass family life. She has never made a fuss about her person and has completely dedicated her life to our Creator and to the Christ of God. You will not find any photographs of her on these pages, because she avoids every kind of personality cult and always points out that veneration is due exclusively to our Creator and to Christ, His Son, who since Golgotha is also our Redeemer.
The prophetic word was and is not bound to churches, their dogmas or priestly hierarchies. For this reason, God’s true prophets have always been defamed and persecuted by the caste of priests, which, until today, has not changed.
Original Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth
During His lifetime, Jesus of Nazareth was and remained a man of the people. He brought us an inner religion and wanted neither dogmas nor external cults or rites. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is in each one of us and that each person can freely and independently turn to our heavenly Father. Until today, many external institutions abuse His name, twist the teachings of Christ into their opposite and are so brazen as to interpret them in such a way that they are able to gain power, advantages and influence from them. Blessing weapons, oppressing women, the cover-up of the worst kind of child abuse, the persecution of dissidents, hoarding of riches, developing political networks, gaining social privileges by underhanded means, paternalism of people and intellectually twisting the divine laws are only a few trademarks of those who decided against Christ, even though they talk about Him. Jesus of Nazareth called such people blind leaders of the blind and in contrast, spoke about God as our loving Father and free Spirit, who loves all of His children equally.
Original Christianity Today
Original Christians all over the world follow the example of the Nazarene and, for this, take the Ten Commandments, which were given through Moses, and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus as the criteria for their daily life. These are high ethical and moral principles that one can put into practice in the family, at work and in society. They are not utopian. Anyone who follows Jesus, the Christ, this way in his daily life, without binding himself to priests or pastors, will attain inner happiness, security and freedom. In this way, one gains the Inner Life and experiences true nearness to God.
Where Can I Learn More About the Prophetic, Original Christian Teachings?
You can hear and read His word, the messages of our Creator and of His Son, Christ, our Redeemer, in the Sophia Library, the center of the Free Spirit, and beyond that in the form of radio and television programs, which can be received worldwide in many languages. You can acquire books, brochures, CDs and DVDs by way of the Gabriele Publishing House – The Word, or in bookstores.

The Foundations
The International Gabriele Foundations
The Free Spirit is the life force in the universal cosmic Tree of Life and flows from the roots into the trunk and to the crown – the International Gabriele Foundation, the Saamlinic Work of Neighborly Love for People, Nature and Animals – and vivifies all activities. The lands, fields, meadows, pastures and woods of the foundation are known as the “Land of the International Gabriele Foundations”, because these foundations champion the peaceful unity between people, nature and animals on our Earth. On the Land of the International Gabriele Foundations, animals can graze safely and peace-loving people can rejoice; this can also be read there on telling guide markers. In addition, the mother foundation in Germany has numerous associate foundations worldwide and, among other things, also supports Sophia Schools and orphans. Original Christian enterprises that are associated with the International Gabriele Foundations, accordingly work primarily for the “Land of the International Gabriele Foundations,” for nature and animals.
Other Areas
Peaceable Farming
A good example of this are the agricultural enterprises, which include farms growing grains, fruits, herbs as well as subsidiary enterprises that work according to the criteria of peaceable farming, in which sustainability, environmental awareness and the respect for creation play a great role.
Vegetarian-Vegan Food
Further fruits on the universal, cosmic Tree of Life are various purely vegan foodstuff enterprises. For example, a bakery with a stone mill, production of deli items, markets, shops, vegetarian-vegan supermarkets and a worldwide mail order house.
Dress and Live in Style
The International Einkaufsland (shopping center) with its elegant atmosphere, its tasteful furnishing ideas, accessories, furniture and restoration workshops, material and sewing atelier for interior decorating as well as for women’s and men’s fashion is another fruit on the Tree of Life.
Responsibility, Loyalty, Freedom and Tolerance
The Tree of Life, the all-encompassing cosmic law of life, also has many branches and fruits in the various spheres of life. They are responsibly led by Gabriele and the legacy holders, according to the content of the Ten Commandments of God and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth. People who follow Jesus of Nazareth, that is, Original Christians, who carry extensive responsibility in His work, gave the following promise to the Christ of God: They strive daily to live according to the cosmic law of love for God and neighbor, to carry responsibility, as well as to uphold loyalty, freedom and tolerance. This means: to work and be active in His Spirit, to create in His Spirit, for the whole crown of the universal cosmic Tree of Life.
The Future
Secured for the Future
People often ask to what extent the International Gabriele Foundation and the Land of the International Gabriele Foundations are secured for the future. Regarding this, the original founder, Gabriele, legally mandated that the endowment fund of the International Gabriele Foundation be inviolably preserved, and that it be used solely for the purposes of the foundation.
A New Heaven and a New Earth
Many people sense that we are living in a mighty time of radical change. As Original Christians, we believe that it is a time of radical change in the All-consciousness of the Eternal Spirit, for “a new heaven and a new earth” will emerge, just as the great prophet Isaiah prophesied already 2700 years ago. In the divine revelations of the Free Spirit, we also learn that in the future no great teaching prophet or emissary will be sent from the Kingdom of God, because, as stated, “a new heaven and a new earth” will emerge on which people will live in harmony with the cosmic laws and nature.
Jesus of Nazareth announced 2000 years ago that He had still more to say, but that at a later time period, He would send the Free Spirit, the Comforter, who would lead mankind into all the truth, insofar as people could understand it with the words of our three-dimensional world. This announcement has been fulfilled during the past four decades!
More Information and Contact Possibilities
Dear readers, the above lines have the purpose of briefly and clearly describing the prophetic works and the Original Christian life with its important spheres of activity in our time. Of course, this is merely a broad overview. In this framework, it is not possible to sufficiently present what has developed over the last decades through the prophetic word and Gabriele’s untiring work. Do you have more questions? Do you want to inform yourself more exactly and deeply? Are you interested in getting to know the divine work of revelation in detail? Then you have the following possibilities for this:
Books, CDs, DVDs, Questions-Telephone
Books, CDs and DVDs to the topic have been published in many languages by the Gabriele Publishing House. They can be acquired via bookstores or directly at the publishing house:
Gabriele Publishing House – The Word
Max-Braun-Str. 2, 97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Worldwide Tel: +49.9391-504-843
The books, CDs and DVDs of the Gabriele Publishing House you will also find in Marktheidenfeld, Germany.
Here you will also find an information area of the International Gabriele Foundations.
You are warmly welcome!
The Sophia Library, the Center of the Free Spirit.
Open Hours:
Monday – Saturday | 14.00 – 18.00 |
Sundays and Holidays | 14.00 – 17.00 |
(Sundays and Fridays without advice or sales)
Call, write or visit us. You are cordially invited!
Max-Braun-Str. 2, 97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Tel. +49.9391-504-131
Reading Recommendation
If you would like to know more about Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of the Eternal Kingdom, then among others, we would recommend her autobiography: “A Woman’s Life in Service of the Eternal,” published by Gabriele Publishing House – The Word. If you would like to learn more in a general way on the topic “prophecy,” then we may recommend the following book: “The Word of the Prophets Is Being Fulfilled. From Abraham to Gabriele.” This book was also published by Gabriele Publishing House – The Word.
TV and Radio Programs
Many independent radio and television stations broadcast programs about the prophetic word through Gabriele as well as programs about Original Christianity. Inform yourself via Radio Santec about the frequencies on which you can receive these productions in your language and country. (