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The Time It Will Surely Come

Dear fellow people!

Even though the present time is ever so dreary, even dark, so will it be. An isle has already emerged, a Land of Peace, the land of the animals, where animals live in peace and are gradually making peace with the people who care for the animals and the Land.

The Land of Peace, the land of the animals, is still small.
It is growing through the help of many animal friends, so that more and more animals are given a safe homeland. Animals that are already living on the land in peace and freedom, ask through me, Gabriele, for help for their neighbors, for their friends, so that more land can be acquired.

In particular, the animals all over the Earth are asking: Let us become friends! For where people love animals and help animals, security develops between man and animals.

Dear fellow people, how do you see this?
For someday there must be a start for the greatness that was called to us: “The time it will most surely come!”

Dear friends of animals,
if you would like to help financially, then I, Gabriele, may convey to you the account number for the land of the animals. Every single Euro helps!

Profound thanks for your faithfulness and help,
from the animals and from me,


Donations Account of the International Gabriele Foundation:

banner land fuer tiere

Land for the Animals

The International Gabriele Foundations acquire land on which the animals find a homeland again where they can lead a worthy life.

Donations Account “Land for the Animals”:
International Gabriele Foundations,
Volksbank Main-Tauber
IBAN: DE37 6739 0000 0000 2062 88

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For your gift from the heart, Your contribution for the memorial:

Our common bank information is:
International Gabriele Foundations
Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart
IBAN: DE45 7906 9150 0609 6848 08

Purpose: Memorial

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banner land fuer tiere

Building for the New Era

For your heartfelt gift to continue building for the New Era:

Donations Account “Building for the New Era”:
International Gabriele Foundations,
Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart IBAN: DE10 7906 9150 0309 6848 08

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banner versorgung wildtiere

Care of Wild Animals

Animal orphans and hurt animals are cared for medically until they can lead a life in freedom again.

Donations Account “Care of Wild Animals”:
International Gabriele Foundations
Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart
IBAN: DE89 7906 9150 0709 6848 08

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Foreign bank accounts of the International Gabriele Foundations

Country Bank name IBAN BIC
Germany Volksbank Main-Tauber DE37 6739 0000 0000 2062 88 GENODE61WTH
Switzerland Neue Aargauer Bank CH57 0588 1054 0609 4100 0 AHHBCH22XXX
Italy Banca ifigest IT82 J031 8501 6000 0001 0258 564 IFIGIT31XXX
Spain Banco de Sabadell ES56 0081 4234 1900 0136 3042 BSABESBBXXX
Luxembourg Post Luxembourg LU80 1111 7019 8694 0000 CCPLLULLXXX

Foreign bank accounts of  the International Gabriele Foundations

Volksbank Main-Tauber
IBAN: DE37 6739 0000 0000 2062 88

Neue Aargauer Bank
IBAN: CH57 0588 1054 0609 4100 0

Banca ifigest
IBAN: IT82 J031 8501 6000 0001 0258 564

Banco de Sabadell
IBAN: ES56 0081 4234 1900 0136 3042

Post Luxembourg
IBAN: LU80 1111 7019 8694 0000

The Memorial

The Call of the Eternal to His just sons and daughters all over the Earth and in this world,

to help build a sign, like a monument, for the people of the coming time, the time of Sophia, the divine primordial Wisdom with her dual in the spirit.

It should be a memorial as a thank you to all the prophetesses and prophets, to all the faithful fighters for the truth, for the law of the love for God and neighbor, who used their body as a shield and won the victory for the All-One God and His Son, the Christ of God, in unity with His daughter, the divine Wisdom, with her dual, the Prince of Wisdom.